chevy nova 1971

chevy nova 1971

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Semester: august-december 2011 IE 3

September 19 to 24
Today we reviewed a workbook and delivered it and we Paestra wing a sheet each drive as we are will target.

On this day, the exercises are AT, ON, IN called prepositions also review the exams adios.

There were classroom answering part of the unit 2 and the book work happens in the book nice day teacher.


in the second unit that we are about to end do some exercises in the book complete the e-mail message with prepositions of time and place
also repeat a vocabulary of several parts like a movie, a play, a concert, a talk, art exhibit and answer am the workbook pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. bye bye.

today we were in the laboratory of English who has a weekend teacher.

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